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Microneedling With PRP

More and more, people are looking for ways to maintain the health and beauty of their skin without invasive surgical procedures. Microneedling with PRP in Burlington is an effective, highly advanced technique to trigger natural collagen production in the skin tissues. At Nova Aesthetic Center, we are proud to offer this innovative procedure that delivers excellent results without the need of surgery or downtime. We believe Microneedling with PRP can do wonders for skin that has begun to show the signs of age.

What is PRP?
PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) comes from your own blood and contains high concentrations of platelets and growth factors that help your tissues heal and grow new cells.

Historically, PRP has been primarily used in orthopedic medicine, dentistry and reconstructive surgery to help speed recovery. Now it’s used in aesthetic medicine to help damaged, aging skin grow new collagen and elastin for beautiful, youthful results.

Microneedling with PRP
Also known as the “Vampire Facial”, microneedling with PRP uses a patient’s own blood to rejuvenate the skin. The procedure starts by taking a blood sample from the patient, then using a centrifuge to separate out the plasma. This concentrated plasma is then topically applied to the skin immediately after a microneedling procedure to increase the speed of the healing process as your body produces more collagen and elastin.

If you are looking to reduce the appearance of mild to moderate fine lines, wrinkles, acne scarring, enlarged pores, hyperpigmentation, and other skin imperfections, you may be a good candidate for Microneedling with PRP. Depending on the skin concern to be addressed, multiple treatments may be needed for optimal results. To learn more about Microneedling with PRP in Burlington and to schedule your complimentary consultation, please call us at (781)265-4501.